The meandering elephant
In search of food
Chuffed up on a pineapple
Relived her woes
Now her hungry baby in the womb
Can delight the fruit
A mother’s eternal hope
She ate up the pineapple in obligation
It will sinew through muscles and bones
Of her unborn
oblivious of any danger
The innocent couldn’t ideate
The sordid act of Inhumans
A set of deceitful urchins
Stuffed the fruit with explosives
To have some fun, at the cost of a life
I wonder of the ghastly scheme
Of savages in human skin
In excruciating pain
She didn’t hurt anyone
Poor get into the river
Succumbed to death in the water
All have numbed to the dastardly act
But the barbarian’s sense didn’t hurt
Animals too have souls
Their heart too aches
Look at their eyes
They are more humble than we humans
You rest in heaven
Away from the cruel insane
Some spoiled brats hid explosives in pineapple and placed in the forest to snare wild animals. An elephant chomped it that resulted in deep injuries inside her mouth. For the next two week, the injured elephant wandered in and out of the forest enduring the pain. On may 25th the Exhausted elephant in writhing pain rest herself in the Velliar river in the hope of some solace. After two days she collapsed in the river. A later postmortem revealed that she was pregnant.
The culprits must be punished with an equal index of crime.
The incident has shocked the world and there is outrage at this blatantly committed brutal act.