The earth is the only planet in the solar system that is filled with all the natural resources that include sunlight, water, atmosphere, and land along with vegetation to sustain life.
The natural resources are emptying over time. Overpopulation and overconsumption are the root cause of the depletion of natural resources. It has disrupted the balance of the ecosystem, amounting to cataclysmic catastrophic disasters claiming both life and possessions. Global warming is one of the most human-induced disasters that have cast a threat upon the entire world which has raised the intensity of the natural calamities up to a devastating degree.
Take the instance of a gigantic flood that has lashed in Kerala in 2018.
In 2018 Kerala the southernmost state of India hit by a high-intensity cyclone that swept away the fortune of a piece of land in its fury. The Indian government had declared it Level 3 calamity, or ‘calamity of severe nature’.
The south-west and south-east monsoon boast Kerala with about 3000 mm of heavy precipitation. And the continuous heavy rain finds its way into its 14 major river and innumerable streams which made their way into Indian ocean maintaining a balance in its eco-system.

From 1 st June to 18 th August in 2018 the unusual continuous rain due to frequent low pressure caused the worst flood of the century. The severity of the disaster was influenced by the human’s unjust squander of nature. Low pressure is directly related to temperature, rising temperature spews the scale of the pressure causing natural disasters,
In 2018 the low pressure intensified due to the rising temperature of the atmosphere casing high amplitude tropical cyclone. The torrential rain triggered invasive flood leading to a massive landslide. But the landslide may not occur if there were not heavy mining. The excavation of mining propagated the landslide causing unprecedented destruction in the Wayanad district of Kerala.
Meppadi in Kerala’s Wayanad district has seen its entire look change after the outsize landslide. Following the landslide, the small hill on which Puthumala a thickly populated village stands- between two big hills- is now just a pile of mud. The flood washed away lives, houses, temples, churches in a flash. The horrendous scene is still alive in people’s memory.

We, humans, are directly or indirectly accountable to the current climate change of the world, which has begotten global warming. Global temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. We 80 billion maximalist humans are putting too much carbon in the atmosphere. To meet both our deserved and undeserved demands we steadfastly dissipating earth’s natural recourses by extracting fossil fuels and cutting down the forests and in many innumerable ways.
How to conserve forest of the earth?
Afforestation and reforestation are the most viable action against global warming as it prevents global warming and reverses the effect of global warming. It also tackles some of the severe problems like soil erosion and air pollution. Trees are our only source of oxygen. Thus it has all most a challenge for us to conserve the forests of the earth.
Forests maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. As the human needs grew over time we are exploiting nature and converting forests into agricultural land, mines, industrial areas, high urbanization for our own comfort. By the dawn of 19 th century with the emergence of the industrialization the forest is slowly dwindling and we have already consumed the major percentage of the of total forest resources of the earth. According to a 2015 study in journal Nature, about 17% of the Amazonian forests have been destroyed over the past 50 years and losses have been on rising. 30% of the earth’s area is still covered by forests but they are disappearing at an alarming rate. By the time deforestation due to the industrialization has emerged as a warning and there is an urgent need for mankind to resolve the issue.
Planting trees in the depleted areas or recovering forests helps to restore the eco-system and planting trees in a barren land helps to create a new eco-system. Afforestation serves in aesthetically enhancing the foreground and background landscape feature while decreasing the carbon emission in the environment.
Conservation is ethics that needs to be revered by entire human species. Let’s conserve the precious treasure of the earth for our posterity.

Good job.
Definitely it has got a positive impact on sensible persons.
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