Today is 21 day of lock-down. The enormity and severity of incumbent crisis is inaccessible. Life is at stakes, economy is in fluid, the country is dealing with multifarious difficulty.
Elite groups are safe in their homes. Middle class are struggling to balance their budget by curtailing the expenses. But the life of poor has left in lurch.
Thousands of migrant laborers in different states have stranded due to luck-down. Without 3 weeks wages, they are struggling to survive in emptied pocket.
Supreme court has instructed, migrants should be treated in a humane manner, including proving them with adequate amount of food, water and beds as well as medical facility and psychological counselling in the make shift camps. Thousands of volunteers have joined the frontier to care the migrants in this precarious situation.
And amidst in this dire situation humanity is emerging like never before. People are coming out to help people. No doubt the working govt is doing its best. Near about 10 lakhs stranded migrants have scattered throughout the country. Govt is proving relief for 6.4 lakhs and rest are managing by NGOs and some altruistic.
Some kind hearted people paying both their money and time to ensure food for stranded migrants. Some have formed social media team and sending grocery with the help of local NGOS. The restaurants are cooking food and serving them daily wagers in their community. The temples are donating money to crisis fund. From common man to affluent stars everyone is donating both their money and concern to help and save lives. People are giving their land and houses to set quarantine camps.
We all are living in an extraordinary time of unforeseen dimensions. And we all are fighting to save our race. Govt’s proceedings to contain the spread of virus in such huge population is commendable.
But some desperate migrants are protesting to go back to their native. This is test of time. Please respect and have faith on logistics that both govt and altruistic are providing. Don’t mess this threatened time by your unreasonable demands. Have some patience. Our collective effort will win, its only need our cooperation. Be oblige for what you have provided, even in this harrowing time. Fell proud for those humans who are working selflessly to make our life easier.
People from all caste, creed, religion, rich and poor have coalesced to save lives. Because nothing can jeopardize humanity, let it be covid-19.